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Welcome to the whimsical world of (ii)magin Tokenomics, where the conventional laws of economics bend in service of the extraordinary. In this realm, value is derived not from scarcity or utility in the traditional sense, but from the boundless potential of imagination and the paradoxes that fuel our journey through "The Grand Emptiness." Here's a glimpse into the magical, mystifying, and mildly nonsensical tokenomics behind the (ii)magin Token.

Total Supply

A Questionable Quantity The total supply of (ii)magin Tokens is as elusive as the concept of infinity playing hide and seek with zero. Let's just say it's enough to ensure that imagination never runs out, yet finite enough to make each token a coveted conduit to curiosity.



  • Some to the Guild of Imaginary Cartographers: These tokens could be earmarked for explorers charting the landscapes of their minds, mapping out territories where dragons discuss philosophy and rivers flow uphill. This allocation is for those daring to navigate the nonsensical and emerge with tales of the absurd.

  • A few to the Order of the Quixotic Coders: A cabal of developers who code by the light of bioluminescent thoughts, or a guy on a laptop, their keyboards powered by dreams. They weave the fabric of the (ii)magin universe, stitching together realms where code is poetry and bugs are features.

  • Possibly throw some to the Vault of Unintended Consequences: A mysterious reserve whose purpose is unknown even to us. It might fund intergalactic expeditions in search of cosmic comedy, or it could be set aside for the day when the moon decides it prefers espresso over gravity.

  • A couple to the Consortium of Paradoxical Partnerships: For forging alliances with entities so enigmatic, they might not exist at all. These tokens are allocated for collaborations with interdimensional tea shops, quantum-flavored ice cream parlors, and other ventures that defy categorization.

  • A few leftover for the Confetti Cannon of Chance: Reserved for community rewards, this allocation is dispersed at unpredictable moments, in unpredictable ways. Winners might be chosen by the flight patterns of butterflies or the whims of a particularly eccentric AI.


Send Us Some BNB or SOL

In the spirit of keeping the flame of our collective imagination ablaze, we are opening the gates to an avenue of support that is as straightforward as it is unusual.


We humbly invite you to fuel our journey with your contributions.


In essence, you have the exclusive opportunity to send us your BNB or SOL, thereby possibly ensuring that our well of inspiration remains inexhaustible and our dedication to this quixotic quest undimmed.


BNB Address:  




SOL  Address:  



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